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Changelog 7/5/2023

KitPvP has had a lot of recent changes. Ranging from knockback to a new AntiCheat. 

  • New AntiCheat.
  • Remake of donator kits
  • Finished development on StatTrak style kills lore on weapons.
  • Formatted messages to fit server theme better (Dark red and light red).
  • Recode of our tab to better fit server theme and fix some bugs with it.
  • Fixed up our KitPvP core as it had some bugs.
  • Fixed some bugs in the map.
  • Investigating some performance issues with a certain plugin. Causing a lot of CPU usage but no impact on TPS.

Practice has had a lot of recent changes as well. Ranging from bug fixes to more

  • New AntiCheat.
  • Fixed a lot of backend things. MongoDB and RedisDB.
  • Found random bugs and finding fixes for them.


  • No public changelog.


  • New reports system added.
  • Resecured databases
  • Removed IP's from being shown in console.
  • Added new staff security.
  • Reworked our Mod Mode.
  • Staffchat reworked.
  • Fixed a issue with players joining.
  • Fixed an exploit regarding mv.

ToneSpigot aka InfernoSpigot

  • Reworking KB system
  • Fixed some porting issues regarding 1.7.10 and 1.8.9


This is all that will be publicly released at this moment.

Inferno.rip + tonepvp.net about 1 year ago

Welcome Everyone!

I am tonepvp. I am one of the new owners of inferno.rip. My server (tonepvp.net) has now merged with inferno. We (the ownership team) believes this will be a great boost to our development and also the community. We have a lot planned for you, we are working our hardest to bring a product you will all enjoy.

play.tonepvp.net and inferno.rip are usable.

Thank you,
