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Inferno Rules (Forum Rules)




1. Spamming - Referring to sending similar messages or sending three messages in a row in a short period of time!

2. Group Spam - A player sends a message for example "Toast" and 3 other people say it in the chat after that player has said the message.

3. Disrespect/Harassment - Disrespecting someone as in saying "Fuck you retard! you're so fat and ugly and I hate you!!".

4. Arguments - Player and Player goes at it in the chat having an argument about them cheating or the player did something that the other player didn't like.

5. Unrelated Links - Any links that aren't related to Inferno or any inferno links.

6. Staff Trolling - Trolling a staff like getting them to tp to you for no reason at all.

7. Excessive Cursing - Using 3-4 or more cuss words in 1 sentence.

8. Impersonating Staff - Impersonating a staff member and blatantly saying that your a staff member when your not.

9. Bypassing Chat Filter - For example saying "F@gG0t" when the actual word is blacklisted from you saying it.

10. Inappropriate Links - Any links to hack client websites or possible porn sites anything NSFW related.

11. Racial/Religious/Political Arguments - Do not argue about anything political or say anything bad about religions or races.

12. Slurs/Discrimination - Saying anything racist about any racist.

13. Inappropriate Convo - Talking about something sexual or terrorism.

14. Death Treats/Encouraging Suicide -  Saying to a player "You should die IRL" "You should really just cut yourself" (This is not punishable if the player means in-game death).

15. Chat Flooding - If you speak more than 5 times when another player hasn't spoken yet.

16. Leaking Personal Information - Saying anyones real life information in chat this will result in a Permanent Mute/6-Day Ban

17. Advertising - Advertising your discord/other server for players - Permanent Mute.


1. Cheating/Hacking 

2. Refusal To SS

3. Autoclicking

4. Resource Packs that shows durability of armor.

5. Hacks found in a Screenshare\

6. Illegal Debounce Time

7. Abuse of /report and /request

8. Mute Bypass - Getting muted on more than 2 accounts will result in a 30d Ban

9. Bug Exploiting 

10. Disobeying Staff - 1hr Ban

11. Command Spam - 1hr Ban

12. Map Exploiting - Glitching into certain areas of the map that you aren't allowed to be in.

13. Doxing/DDosing - Perm Ban

14. Abusing the Safe Rooms in the Fallers - Such as putting an item on the pressure plate so no one can get in it

15. Kill Grinding - Killing someone or your alt repeatedly to get #1 on Top Kills or Clan Top 

16. Macros/Scripting - Using Macros for /warps or /spawn or combat macros.


1. IP Ban Evading - Having your main IP Address banned while joining the server on a VPN or another IP.

2. Ban Evading - Having 2 or more accounts banned.

3. TPA Spamming - Spamming Teleport Requests.

4. Inappropriate Username or skin - Having a NSFW/Discriminating Skin or name.

Inferno Client Rules


1. Optifine

2. Lunar Client

3. Badlion Client

4. CheatBreaker

5. Hyperium Client

6. Orbit Client

7. Crystal Client

8. 5zig

9. Cosmic Client